Sunday 28 August 2011

Mirza Resighns From Cabinet and Party Posts

KARACHI: Senior Pakistan People's Party leader Dr Zulfiqar Mirza has announced to resign from all party/government posts, Geo News reported Sunday.

Addressing the news folk at Karachi Press Club, he accused Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik of siding with the killers, misleading the party leadership, and contorting facts. He declared him an enemy of Pakistan and a compulsive liar.

Malik is a compulsive liar and responsible for Karachi bloodshed, Mirza said, adding Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) doesn't have a real mandate in Karachi or Hyderabad, they extort votes on gunpoint.

Before starting the press conference he swore on the Holy Quran to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

Praising ISI and Pakistan Army Mirza said Pakistan's existence is due to the sacrifices of our security forces.

Senior provincial minister, Works & Services Dr Zulfiqar Mirza is the Vice President of PPP Sindh and also a Central Executive Committee member besides a close aide of President Asif Zardari. He was elected from Sindh Assembly seat PS-57 Badin I.

Pledging at the beginning he requested reporters to take him seriously for the first and the last time. He arrived at the Karachi Press Club at 4:20pm. The best decision of my life is to marry Dr Fehmeda Mirza, he said.

Mirza noted that he has never bend the laws and he follows the principles of Shaheed Zulfiar Ali Bhutto. Allah Almighty through Mohrarma Benazir Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari blessed me with all that I own.

He added that I see eye to eye with my party. I'm a party worker and will always be that way. I am a Sindhi and proud of it, he added. He vowed never to bow down to cruelty.

Mirza said if anything happens to me then killers of Imran Farooq and Wali Baber would be responsible.

Mirza's press conference ended at 6:15 pm which started around 4:25 pm.

Dr. Mirza also alleged that the present CPLC Chief Ahmed Chinoy holds an important position in Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation (KKF) which is a welfare wing of MQM.

Wednesday 24 August 2011


LAHORE: Cricketer and ace spinner Saeed Ajmal said, on Wednesday, he is working on a new type of delivery, which he will bowl in an upcoming cricket series against England.
In an interview with, answering a question whether he actually bowled a new type of delivery, on which he was working on, during the World Cup, Ajmal said “I didn’t bowl it because I wanted to stick with my best and most reliable deliveries in such a high profile tournament. I just never got a chance to experiment with it, but I’m still working on it. I am hopeful of bowling it soon.”
Asked whether he would bowl the new delivery in the upcoming series against Zimbabwe, Ajmal replied “No. I’m saving it for the series against England.”
The spinner also refused to reveal the kind of variation in his ‘new type of delivery’, calling it “top secret”.
He also said that he was not thinking about retirement at all, adding,”My aim is to become Pakistan’s best bowler and also, to be top bowler in the world. Only after that will I consider retiring from the game.”
Ajmal said he was working hard on his batting too.
“Shahid Aslam, who was serving as assistant manager and batting coach has worked with me on my batting. We’ve been working very hard during practice and it’s beginning to pay off,” he added.

Monday 22 August 2011


 announced the okarachi:the M.Q.M.has announced the observance of a peaceful “day of mourning” on August 23 across the country.
Speaking to the media in Karachi, MQM leader Farooq Sattar said that MQM will observe peaceful day of protest to condemn the recent killings in the city.
Sattar appealed to transporters and traders to support the protest. He appealed to the locals to hoist black flags on their houses in order to show solidarity with the affected families.
The MQM leader blamed the Peoples’ Aman committee for the ongoing violence in Karachi, calling the group responsible for “terrorist activities” and alleging their involvement in extortion and threatening traders.
Sattar said that the government had failed to disclose the identity of the culprits and is answerable to the people of Karachi.
He questioned government’s delay in adopting a strategy to stop the violence in the city.
Eight more people were killed in Karachi on Monday as the situation remained volatile on the seventh day of violence.

International Terrorists, Homegrown Lone Wolf Terrorists, and Extreme Groups in the US

It really appears that t
Expert Author Lance Winslow
his last decade was the decade of fear. But it was a different kind of fear, it wasn't the fear of nuclear annihilation of the human race, and we did start out on a good note realizing that Y2K was nothing more than blasterdash and poppycock - that's a good thing. Still, on 9-11-2001 we began to realize some of the challenges surrounding international terrorism, that we did need to be con
cerned with terrorist acts on our own soil, and why we must be hyper-vigilant in the future.

Interestingly enough, it appears that the international terr
orists are somewhat on the run, although it appears now they've taken over Somalia and Yemen and infiltrated into Nigeria, Kenya, and many other nations. Unfortunately, our borders are not exactly as tight as they should be either and we know them to be somewhat porous, and there may be international terrorists amongst us today. The Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the Obama Administration have also warned us that we need to be on the lookout for homegrown lone wolf terrorists, that is to say US citizens turning rouge, hostile, and dangerous.
And of course there's always been the extreme groups here the United States, and they are quite numerous, and do have a large number of very angry people in them with agendas that we may never fully understand, but they seem pretty adamant about, and are willing to risk their lives, or even die for their cause within our borders. That's a scary thought if you are raising a family, and you enjoy living in the greatest nation ever created in the history of mankind where we have peace and prosperity.
There is a very good book on this topic that I'd like you to read, this is a book that I do personally own, and as the coordinator for a think tank which operates online, I find myself very often recommending this book to others. If this subject and topic interests you, and you'd like to learn more, the name of the book is;
"Extreme Groups in America," by Susan S Lang, Franklin Watts Publishers, New York, NY, 1990, 174 pages.
This book is well illustrated, which helps give you an idea of just exactly what our authorities and agencies are dealing with. The book goes into issues of racism, religious fanatics and cults, neo-Nazi groups, eco-terrorists, and Islamic radical terrorists - and what it takes to fight extremism on our own soil. It also explains how these groups indoctrinate and recruit new members. It's quite an eye-opener.
Perhaps it's time you got an education in this subject matter since it's been in the media far too often, and because you need to understand what our authorities are doing, when they go too far, and what we all need to do to help stop some of these groups from causing terrorist acts here at home. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 24,500 articles by August 24th or 25th will be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

Article Source:

Thursday 18 August 2011

Way To IA Free ncrease Your Traffic - Good News For You

Expert Author Dave Sweet

Find a lot more visitors by making use of 'Google News'
Why is 'Google News' good news for us?
'Google News' attracts thousands of visitors in every hour, of every day throughout every year. Now if you could tap into that traffic, even a small fraction of it, do you think you'd have a lot of traffic rushing to your site?
Of course you would. You'd have thousands of visitors. And even better, they'd be targeted traffic from all over the world. The very best sort of traffic for any business!
If you can just get one story about your business in Google News, you could double, if not quadruple your traffic in a matter of days. Although Google News aggregates and indexes news stories only for the past thirty days, its news archive function goes back 200 years. In other words, you are covered every step of the way if you do things right.
So how can you attract Traffic to your Website with Google News?
You need to become a Google News publisher. Don't worry, you don't have to be a 'Times Newspaper' or a 'Wall Street Journal'. You can set up your own news site quite easily. Look for some news items on Google News and you'll find that there are quite a few ordinary websites on there. What you must have, however, is excellent content.
If you build a news website about your niche which has plenty of information (do a Google search to find useful content and then make it your own!) your news website will be indexed by Google News. Once this happens you'll be swamped by targeted visitors, all with their credit cards poised, ready to buy!
You will need to place a prominent link on your news site's home page to channel more traffic to the website where you are promoting your business.
This is the advice Google gives on its website. Quite a difficult little bit of information to find, so make sure you don't lose this!
Information about setting up your own News Website on Google News, Straight from Google!
"Technical Requirements: Article URLs
In order to be included in Google News, your articles URLs should meet the following guidelines:
Be unique. Each of your pages that display an article's full text needs to have a unique URL. We can't include sites in Google News that display multiple articles under one URL, or that do not have links to pages dedicated solely to each article.
Be permanent. For example, we wouldn't be able to crawl the page if it displayed a different story every day. In order to ensure that our links to articles function properly, each article on a news site needs to be associated with one unique URL, and that URL must be permanent (i.e., it can't be recycled).
Display a three-digit number. The URL for each article must contain a unique number consisting of at least three digits. For example, we can't crawl an article with this URL: We can, however, crawl an article with this URL: Keep in mind that if the only number in the article consists of an isolated four-digit number that resembles a year, such as, we won't be able to crawl it."
Six things you must be sure to get right
(1) Study these technical specifications in great detail. Make sure you do exactly what they say. Then build your news website.
(2) Don't put banners advertising affiliate products on your page
(3) Don't put PPC adverts on your page
(4) Do put quite prominent adverts for YOUR business with links back to a different landing page for each advert.
These links should be subtly worked into the 'news' that you create. Find your news or other content from Google and then incorporate this into your story which has your link in it.
(5) Make sure that your future customers are well informed and will be only too glad to follow your link because they are eager to buy.
(6) One very important point that I cannot emphasise enough is the fact that every news story, article, industry report or analysis on your new news website needs to be 100% original and copyscape compliant.
When you start out, you'll probably have to do this yourself, but as your business grows and you can afford it, the best thing to do is to outsource this news gathering and article production work to overseas content firms. Again, do a search on Google to find these firms.
Your news content should be organized and structured in strict accordance with the technical specifications Google News has outlined for this purpose. It is most important that your news content be updated at least three or four times a week, daily if possible. Keep tweaking and improving your news website.
After a while it should only take a short amount of time every day and you'll have thousands of visitors to your website, all eager to buy your products!
Of course, if you're a workaholic, once you have one product with its own news website making you money, you can set up another, then another, etc.! You'll soon be doubling your income every month, then every week.
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Getting Into Google and Yahoo News

According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 50 million Americans get news online on any given day. In comparison, only 27 million Americans watch network TV news on a typical evening. The Internet is quickly becoming the preferred news source over television, magazines, and trade publications.
News web sites like Yahoo News, Google News and MSNBC Searchbot receive millions of visitors every day. If fact, Yahoo News ranks ahead of and even, while Google News ranks ahead of and the
You can tap into these massive traffic sources through the use of press releases. Additional benefits of distributing your press release include possible media exposure, pickup of your release in online publications, increased link popularity to your web site, additional search engine rankings on your target keywords, and increased traffic to your web site.
However, there's much more to press release marketing than simply whipping up an article and sending it out to the world. You must take time to optimize your press release properly.
Press releases should be optimized in much the same way that search engine optimization specialists optimize ordinary web pages to achieve higher rankings. In doing so, you will receive much higher visibility.
For example, one press release from resulted in 2,200 visitors and 5 interview requests by journalists. This is the power of a highly optimized press release.
Listed below is an outline of how to create an optimized press release for your own website and how to distribute it for maximum exposure.
The first and most important element is to search for keywords and phrases that are likely to deliver qualified leads to your website. A good press release combines targeted keywords with creative writing that makes for a compelling read.
To find these lucrative keyword phrases, begin brainstorming what people would search for when looking for your products. If your products or services are targeted to a particular geographic area, you might want to include these locations in your keyword phrases as well. It is best to target up to 3 keyword phrases.
Once you have done this, you can head on over to to do some additional keyword research. Simply type in your list of potential keyword phrases and this tool will give you a list of related keywords and how many times they are searched for per day. This information can aid you in choosing which keyword phrases will bring your press release the highest amount of exposure.
Now that you have chosen the best possible keywords, it's time to integrate these targeted keyword phrases into your press release. You should include your keywords in the headline, the title, sub-headings and the first two paragraphs. Search engines place much of their emphasis on the title and the beginning paragraphs.
Your title should reflect your strongest keywords, not the name of the company. Include local modifiers if possible. Although it's often nice to see your company's name in print, it's unlikely to bring you the exposure you deserve. Instead, use targeted search phrases that are likely to be used by your potential customers.
You should also optimize your press release by integrating targeted links within the content. Many press release distribution services and news wires now offer the option of purchasing a hyperlink. You simply convert a keyword phrase within the release into an active hyperlink. This will increase search engine visibility for that keyword phrase and also drive additional traffic back to your website.
Where to Send Your Press Release
There are a wide variety of places that will allow you to syndicate your press release. However, there are only a select few that you really need to focus on. Here are some distributors that will help you get the exposure you deserve.
In addition to press releases, you can also get your content into Google and Yahoo news directly. If you publish frequent news and articles, your site may very well qualify as a news source.
You can submit your site for inclusion to Google News at . However, keep in mind that Google is looking for sites with an editorial review process and multiple contributors. If you are accepted, Google Newsbot will hit your site very frequently and you will receive an extra stream of quality traffic to your web site.
You can also suggest your news site be added to the Yahoo News index. Simply go to and fill out the form.
Besides syndicating your press releases online, you should also seek exposure offline. You do this by building a media list of local newspapers, trade journals, magazines, web sites, radio and television shows.
If you want media coverage, you must identify target publications and their editorial calendars. Send journalists and editors personal emails with pitches on your story.
You can begin building your own media list at,, and
I have one last tip on getting into Google News. To quickly get your articles into the Google News search engine simply perform a search on Google News for relevant keywords, take note of the sites that are getting picked up and find out if any of them allow you to submit articles or press releases. If so, you have found a direct pathway to getting your content into Google News.
One of these places can be found at Simply visit the site and scroll down to the very bottom of the page and click on the link that says "submit work". From there you can sign up to be a contributor.
If accepted as a contributor, you will then be able to submit articles along with your picture. Many of their articles are syndicated on Google News and are available to the millions of searchers who go to Google News each and every day.
Now that you know how to optimize your press releases and articles for maximum exposure, I urge you to begin an aggressive press campaign to increase exposure to your brand, gain quality inbound links, and increase your website traffic.
Kim Roach is a staff writer and editor for the SiteProNews and SEO-News newsletters. You can also find additional tips and news on webmaster and SEO topics by Kim at the SiteProNews blog ([]). Kim’s email is: kim @

Wednesday 17 August 2011

pak news

Netherlands Women added to their success in the European Championship Twenty20 with a tense two-wicket victory over Ireland Women in the only ODI in Utrecht. A straightforward win seemed on the cards after Ireland folded for 116 but Netherlands had a collapse of their own to nearly end up losing.
The day began poorly for Ireland, losing first the toss and then a wicket off the opening delivery of the match. Three overs later their captain Isobel Joyce was gone, caught behind. Opener Kim Garth and Laura Delany then put on 38, the most substantial partnership of the innings. Regular wickets followed as Ireland lurched from 43 for 2 to 92 for 8.
Netherlands also lost one opener for a duck but the other, their opener Helmien Rambaldo, forged two solid partnerships to guide her team to the comfort of 80 for 2. Ireland hit back, picking up five wickets for 12 runs but Netherlands held their nerve. Ireland didn't help their cause with 35 extras (including 28 wides).